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Title Title (in Czech) Author Genre Date of manuscript Creation date
Almighty God Buoh všemohúcí unknown Lyric, Poem, Religious 1380s first half of the 14th century
The Weaver Tkadleček unknown prose second half of the 15th century beginning of the 15th century (after 1407)
A Secret Sorrow Tajná žalost unknown Lyric, Poem 1396 second half of the 14th century
Štilfrid Štilfrid unknown Entertaining literature, prose around 1500 second half of the 14th century
Satires on craftsmen and aldermen Satiry o řemeslnících a konšelích unknown Epic, Poem last third of the 14th century 1360s
The Pilate Legend Legenda o Pilátovi unknown Epic, Poem beginning of the 14th century beginning of the 14th century (after 1306)
On the fox and the jug O lišce a džbánu unknown Epic, Poem last third of the 14th century 1360s
Master Potter Mistr Lepič unknown Poem beginning of the 15th century beginning of the 15th century
The Judas Legend Legenda o Jidášovi unknown Epic, Poem beginning of the 14th century beginning of the 14th century (after 1306)
Merry Magdalene’s play Hra veselé Magdaleny unknown Drama 1365-1385 third quarter of the 14th century
Carmen prestet Deus celi Carmen prestet Deus celi unknown Poem second half of the 15th century first half of the 15th century
The Ten Commandments Desatero kázanie božie unknown Epic, Poem last third of the 14th century 1360s
My Beloved Angel Andělíku rozkochaný unknown Lyric, Poem 1396 second half of the 14th century
The Alexandreis Alexandreida unknown Epic, Poem first quarter of the 14th century/beginning of the 15th century around 1300
The Song of the Merry Poor Píseň veselé chudiny unknown Parody, Poem 1460s end of the 14th century
The Life of St. Catherine Život svaté Kateřiny unknown Epic, Poem around 1400 second half of the 14th century