Title | Title (in Czech) | Author | Genre | Date of manuscript | Creation date |
Almighty God | Buoh všemohúcí | unknown | Lyric, Poem, Religious | 1380s | first half of the 14th century |
The Weaver | Tkadleček | unknown | prose | second half of the 15th century | beginning of the 15th century (after 1407) |
A Secret Sorrow | Tajná žalost | unknown | Lyric, Poem | 1396 | second half of the 14th century |
Štilfrid | Štilfrid | unknown | Entertaining literature, prose | around 1500 | second half of the 14th century |
Satires on craftsmen and aldermen | Satiry o řemeslnících a konšelích | unknown | Epic, Poem | last third of the 14th century | 1360s |
The Pilate Legend | Legenda o Pilátovi | unknown | Epic, Poem | beginning of the 14th century | beginning of the 14th century (after 1306) |
On the fox and the jug | O lišce a džbánu | unknown | Epic, Poem | last third of the 14th century | 1360s |
Master Potter | Mistr Lepič | unknown | Poem | beginning of the 15th century | beginning of the 15th century |
The Judas Legend | Legenda o Jidášovi | unknown | Epic, Poem | beginning of the 14th century | beginning of the 14th century (after 1306) |
Merry Magdalene’s play | Hra veselé Magdaleny | unknown | Drama | 1365-1385 | third quarter of the 14th century |
Carmen prestet Deus celi | Carmen prestet Deus celi | unknown | Poem | second half of the 15th century | first half of the 15th century |
The Ten Commandments | Desatero kázanie božie | unknown | Epic, Poem | last third of the 14th century | 1360s |
My Beloved Angel | Andělíku rozkochaný | unknown | Lyric, Poem | 1396 | second half of the 14th century |
The Alexandreis | Alexandreida | unknown | Epic, Poem | first quarter of the 14th century/beginning of the 15th century | around 1300 |
The Song of the Merry Poor | Píseň veselé chudiny | unknown | Parody, Poem | 1460s | end of the 14th century |
The Life of St. Catherine | Život svaté Kateřiny | unknown | Epic, Poem | around 1400 | second half of the 14th century |